Doing it backwards

Okay, so I shall start with the most recent stuff.  How I have managed to find the time to photograph all this stuff I don’t know, but I did.

New duvet!  On sale at BHS.  I just couldn’t resist all the scrummy colours.  It brightens up the whole room.

Most recently I have been lusting over my stash of Rowan Handknit Cotton.  I LOVE it!  Some of it was gifted to me by a dear friend.  I have since added quite a lot more to it.  Have a look and drool with me!

See?!  There are more scrummy skeins underneath, but they’re just more of the same colours.  I arranged it so you could only see one of each colour.

So what am I going to do with it?

Well, I am going to eat tuna.

Yes, you heard me!  I took the basic pattern of a tuna-tin cover from Attic24 and put my own spin on it.  Here’s what I came up with.

First I spread a lot of my craft stuff on my bed.  Bits of fabric I hope to use to line the tin (when I get the right glue) and various buttons and beads.  My stash basket and of course, the tin.

I had a picture in my head of what I wanted it to look like.  I spent a long time choosing my colours and putting them together.

I tried crocheting some green seaweed to attach to the cover but it ended up looking too big and tacky.  So I had to resort to embroidery.

I was pretty pleased with the results!  I sewed on a couple of metalic, fish beads and tadah!

I love it!

Right, that’s me for now.  Another cuppa and some housework to do!

Discussion welcome!